Welcome to the St Marys North Library! At Norths we love reading, we really love new books and most of all, we love talking about the books we read.

Years 1 & 2 - up to one fiction & one non-fiction book
Years 3 & 4 - up to two fiction & two non-fiction books
Years 5 & 6 - up to three fiction & three non-fiction books
Students in Kindergarten to Year 4 need a Library bag. Students in Years 5 & 6 do not need a Library bag.
School Library bags may be purchased from the Office or students may use any type of fabric bag or a strong plastic bag.
The Library is open for borrowing and returning 8.45-9am and 3-3.10pm every day as well as during library lessons.
Can't find a book you like? Ask Miss Campbell for help!
All Library books need to be taken care of and kept away from food, drinks and little brothers and sisters who might accidentally damage the books! Damaged books need to be returned so they can be repaired and returned to the shelves. Any lost or severely damaged books need to be paid for at the office.
Look after our books so others can enjoy them too!
Students in every class are encouraged to borrowregularly from the library. We have lots of fantastic books that are just waiting to be borrowed! Please encourage your child to borrow regularly and to return their books every week.
The Class Borrowing Competition: Each week every student who borrows, earns a point for their class. At the end of the term, the results are tallied and the class with the highest percentage of borrowers is the winner. The prize is a free sausage sizzle lunch for every student in the winning class and their teacher.
Individual Borrowing Competition: Each term, students who borrow every week earn a Good Work Card and their name goes into a lucky draw where one K-2 student and one 3-6 student wins a fabulous book prize! Always remember to borrow on another day if you miss your Library lesson day.
Help yourself and your class by returning and borrowing every week!
The library management system is called 'Oliver'. Students from Years 3-6 can access 'Orbit', the student version, through a link on the student portal. In 'Orbit' from home or school, students can search for books in our library by title/author/topic/series; see what they have borrowed and returned; write book reviews; see the new titles added to our collection; look for Premier's Reading Challenge books; reserve books for borrowing and access linked websites. Remember, students can only access books that are F - fiction, JF - junior fiction or NON - non fiction. Books with a tick are available. Books with a cross are already on loan.
Check out 'Orbit' and see if we have any books by your favourite author!
Students in Years 5 & 6 are invited to volunteer as a library monitor from Term 2 each year. During one 2nd break of their choosing each week, they shelve books, tidy the library and help other students pack up their activities.It's also a great opportunity to have first look at new titles!
Does this interest you? Why not give it a go and see if it suits you!
This very worthwhile program promotes reading for pleasure and strengthening the reading skills of NSW students. Kindergarten to Year 2 students take part in this program at school with their class teachers reading 30 books from the PRC list. Years 3-6 students need to read 20 books from their PRC list independently. All students need written parental approval to participate. As a thank you gift, participating Years 3-6 students receive a pen, book mark and folder to keep their PRC book and record sheet in when they sign up. They also receive a Good Work Card for reading 10 books and another one when they complete the challenge. At the end of the year, all students who complete the challenge receive an official PRC certificate. The PRC starts in March and finishes in August each year. Mor details available in the Library News and keep your eye on the countdown in the newsletter to make sure you finish on time!
Students at St Marys North who are selected to participate in the Power's Reading Challenge are not permitted to participate in the PRC.
Starting is great but finishing is even better! Will you finish the Challenge this year?

Each year, the Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA) selects the top 6 children's books published in Australia in a range of categories. This is called the short list. In Library lessons in Term 3, each class studies a selection of the short listed books. The winners are announced in time for Book Week.
Which short listed book is your favourite?
Book Week is held in Week 6 Term 3 every year. The theme for Book Week this year will be announced in the Library News Page. We will celebrate this special week with an outstanding Book Raffle, a fabulous Book Fair and a not to be missed Book Parade!
- Tickets in the Book Raffle will go on sale on the Monday with prizes drawn at assembly. Please check Library News and the newsletter for exact dates. There will be 10 major prizes as well as over 20 minor prizes suitable for K-2, 3-4 & 5-6.
- The Book Fair will be held in the Library from Monday until Friday. A wonderful assortment of books will be available for students and their families to purchase with prices between $1.50 and $12.
- The Book Parade will be held in Week 6 in the Hall. Students are encouraged to dress up as their favourite book character and carry a book featuring that character. Parents, friends and toddlers are encouraged to dress up as well. Even the Norths pre-schoolers and 'Starting School' group join in the fun! In accordance with Departmental policy, please remember that no weapons, pretend or otherwise, are permitted on school grounds. Students who come prepared for the parade from home will have their name put into a lucky draw. One name will be drawn from each class and the lucky student will win a $10 voucher to spend at the Book Fair.

Happy reading everyone!
Miss Campbell