Dear Year 1 Moonstone Parents and Carers,
1Moonstone are very excited they are now in year 1. 1Moonstone have been working hard on learning new routines in reading, writing and maths. This term, 1 Moonstone are working with Mrs Stevens learning how to code using Blue Bots. Students are very excited about this. Please keep an eye out for pictures on 1Moonstone working with the Blue Bots.
Our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is a whole school approach for creating a positive, safe and supportive school climate in which students can learn and develop. This approach involves the school community working together. PBL empowers our students by promoting positive social behaviour, providing support and building strong links with parents, carers and school communities.
Healthy Choices We encourage healthy food choices. Every day we have crunch'n'sip. Please pack a healthy lunch and snacks to support your child make the healthy choice, the easy choice.
Share a book and enjoy reading with your child everyday. Home reading is important, don't forget to sign the yellow card daily. If you are interested the Premiers Reading Challenge for K-2 this is another way to enjoy reading and access fabulous stories.
What happens throughout our week:
Monday – Whole School Assembly
Tuesday – Technology with Mrs Stevens and RFF Dance with Mrs Rymills
Thursday - Library with Miss Campbell, Scripture and Stage Sport
K-2 Assembly (12.50-1.20) Weeks 5, 8 and 11
Friday – Culture Class (odd weeks)
1Moonstone are excited about sharing their learning with you this term.
Stage One Information Letter 2019