St Marys North PS supports Language, Learning and Literacy teaching in all Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 classrooms. Additional intervention programs target text reading and writing with targeted students. Intervention programs complement the daily literacy program and are run during the reading or writing session in the classroom. In all K-2 classrooms, students receive explicit instruction in reading and writing strategies in small groups of three to four selected students. Students then move to independent individual or group tasks. This occurs in the daily literacy session.
The aim of intervention programs are to reduce the risk of students not achieving expected literacy levels at the end of their first years at school. Research indicates the quality of students' transition into literacy is a major predictor of their later academic achievement.
K-2 children at St Marys North PS take part in independent learning activities to consolidate the explicit instruction given by their teacher during small group guided reading and writing lessons.
Click on the links below for information to help support your child at home from our Parent Page
Ten tips for helping your child read
Pause Prompt Praise
Helping your child with literacy
English help sheets for parents – School a to z