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St Marys North Public School

St Marys North Public School

A Community with Expectations of Achievement and Success

Telephone02 9623 1443

Early Action for Success

Early Action for Success

Early Action for Success strategy aims to improve students' performance through a targeted approach in the early years.  The strategy involves

  • early identification of the level of attainment in literacy and numeracy of each individual child (K-2) and tailoring a specific program of learning to that child's needs;
  • change in teaching practice from a focus on the whole class to a focus on the needs of the individual student;
  • ongoing, close monitoring of individual student progress against the Literacy and Numeracy Progressions; and
  • evidence-based use of tiered interventions in literacy or numeracy according to need.

St Marys North PS has been appointed Instructional Leaders, as well as additional teacher support. The effective implementation of the strategy has involved embedding three layers of school and classroom action

  • hands-on instructional leadership for all K-2 classes
  • personalisation that puts students at the centre of all classroom and school level action
  • an emphasis on assessment for learning where teachers know precisely where students are and where they need to go next
  • high quality professional learning.