
Dear Year One Amethyst Parents and Carers,
Welcome to an exciting new school year packed with thrilling learning opportunities that aim to keep our students engaged in learning.
At SMNPS in year one we aim to provide safe learning and teaching environments to encourage healthy, happy, successful and productive students. It is our goal to see our students love to learn and aim to succeed. We are a team!
Year One teachers are looking forward to working with you. We would love to see you involved in all our school activities and events. Remember, you are always welcomed to speak with us before and after school, and you can make appointments with the front office.
Our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is a whole school approach for creating a positive, safe and supportive school climate in which students can learn and develop. This approach involves the school community working together. PBL empowers our students by promoting positive social behaviour, providing support and building strong links with parents, carers and school communities. Our expectations matrix is displayed in our classroom and referred to daily.
Healthy Choices
Pack a healthy lunch and snacks to support your child make the healthy choice, the easy choice. We have Crunch'n'Sip daily.
Each student in the class will be given a weekly homework sheet which will be due on Friday. This will give them the chance to practise their spelling words and support the mathematical content addressed during the week. Also, home readers have been sent home in a folder with a reading record to complete.
We have had a great start to the year. 1 Amethyst are very excited to be attending the ‘techy’ room with Mrs Stevens. We have drawn self-portraits on the iPads, used with virtual reality headsets and have even started learning to code. It is wonderful that the students have the opportunity to access this incredible technology and use it to reinforce their learning.
1 Amethyst are pleased to welcome other teachers into our room including Mrs Smith, Mrs Barnard, Mrs Du Ross-Smith and Mrs Nolan. These teachers support us during reading and/or maths groups.
Please feel free to come and discuss your child with me – or just introduce yourself if I have not met you already.
Library: Friday
SPORT: Thursday
Whole School Assembly: Monday
K-2 Assembly: week 5, week 8, week 11
Culture Class: Friday
Technology Time: Tuesday
Dance: Tuesday