1/2 Diamonds

Dear Year 1/ 2 Diamond Parents and Carers,
Welcome to an exciting school year packed with thrilling learning opportunities that aim to keep our students engaged in learning. At SMNPS in 1/2 Diamonds we aim to provide safe learning and teaching environments to encourage healthy, happy, successful and productive students. It is our goal to see our students love to learn and aim to succeed.
Our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is a whole school approach for creating a positive, safe and supportive school climate in which students can learn and develop. This approach involves the school community working together. PBL empowers our students by promoting positive social behaviour, providing support and building strong links with parents, carers and school communities.
Healthy Choices
We encourage healthy food choices. Every day we have Crunch'N'Sip. Please pack a healthy lunch and snacks to support your child make the healthy choice, the easy choice.
This term students will be engaged a plethora of differentiated learning experiences in literacy and numeracy blocks.
In Literacy, modelled and guided reading and writing groups, joint and independent writing time, give students access to quality picture books and multimodal texts to scaffold and inspire students to create their own authentic writing. Daily read aloud time with real and digital books, speaking and listening activities in circle time, spelling, grammar and vocab building games, and singing are all part of our literacy time.
In numeracy, students will be building on their knowledge of numbers through specific Count me in and TEN activities, Number of the day and Number Talks, modelled, guided and independent skilled based math activities. Students will practise using mathematical language to explain their understandings. Coding and STEM activities will also provide students with the opportunity to become critical problem solvers and thinkers.
Share a book and enjoy reading with your child everyday. Home reading is important, don't forget to sign the yellow card daily. If you are interested the Premiers Reading Challenge for K-2 this is another way to enjoy reading and access fabulous stories.
What happens during the week for 1/2 Diamonds:
Monday – Dancing with Mrs Rymills
Tuesday – Technology with Mrs Stevens
Wednesday – Library with Miss Campbell
Thursday – Stage 1 sport and some weeks K-2 Assembly
K-2 assembly dates for Term 1 are:
Thursday 28th February, Thursday 21st March, Thursday 11th April.
Stage Fitness is 9am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Monday – Homework goes out and is to be returned on Friday.
I look forward to sharing with you all our wonderful learning. Don't forget to pop into our class to view the wonderful artwork our students have already created!
Mrs Krilic